vineri, 17 aprilie 2015

Am deosebita placere sa....

Te  invit sa ne cunoasteti


     TianDe este o companie de cosmetice ruseasca nascuta  în 2007.  La baza produselor se afla traditia, sanatatea si frumusetea, trei aspecte importante in viata multora dintre noi.

  Cuvintul TianDe in traducere, inseamna "perfectiune cereasca". La inceput nu am inteles semnificatia, dar mai tarziu am VAZUT ce inseamna. 

 Produsele cosmetice TianDe sunt pentru  toate virstele dar si  pentru toate tipurile de ten. Se bazeaza  pe retete tibetane  vechi de peste 2000 ani. Greu de crezut ca exista asa ceva, nu?

Calitatea acestor produse este certificata prin  ISO și GMP ceea ce ma face sa ma simt oarecum mandra ( in sensul pozitiv ) de calitatea lor.

      Materia prima folosita este atent selectata si consta din plante medicinale, extracte animale, minerale dar si marine. Procentul de extractie natural este ridicat ajungand pina la 90%. Asa este ca nu ma crezi?

Te provoc sa le incerci si sa te convingi singur de ceea ce zic.

Majoritatea sunt un supliment activ pentru piele noastra, imbogatite cu vitamine si minerale. Ceea ce reprezinta un surplus de hidratare, protectie si recuperarea texturii naturale.

Toate produsele cosmetice TianDe, contin antioxidanti si sunt folosite pentru a preveni și rezolva problemele importante legate de efectele negative ale radicalilor liberi din piele.

 Daca sunteti predispus la alergii, ar trebui sa incercați un produs cosmetic pe o suprafata mica de piele

Toate produsele TianDe sunt testate clinic si aprobate prin certificare
Produsele cosmetice TianDe  au un atu in plus: sunt low-cost, insa calitatea este garantata. Nu o afirm eu, ci numarul impresionat de oameni ( barbati si femei) care au avut curajul de a testa noul brand.  

O alta caracteristica importanta ( ceea ce face brandul TianDe unic) consta in  produse conexe ( in special mastile). 

        Vei gasi, de asemenea, o gama larga de sampoane, deodorante, pasta de dinti, plasturi de detoxifiere, tampoane cu extracte din plante si aditivi biologic active special create pentru a ne imbunatati si usura viata cotidiana. Dar mai ales....sanatatea noastra.

Multe produse cosmetice TianDe au perle care conțin vitaminele B și D, 22 aminoacizi și 18 oligoelemente. Există, de asemenea, produse cu extract de perle care protejeaza impotriva condiții dure de mediu, accelereaza regenerarea, hraneste, hidrateaza tenul  si reda luminozitate, stralucire naturala. 
Aceasta este lumea noastră. 

Alatura-te unei lumii in care sanatatea este pusa innaintea frumusetii. 

sâmbătă, 11 aprilie 2015

What is our Master Class?


Master Class Hand Treatment

Dry hands? This is a perfect remedy.
This is a set of 3 products to quickly and effectively regenerate your hands. Consisting only of natural ingredients, they will help restore and maintain moisture.
Follow these 3 easy steps: 

Step One
Pomegranate Peeling Gel
Apply a small amount of gel and gently apply on your hands. The gel will gently exfoliate the dead skin on your hands. Continue massaging your hands for I minute before rinsing with clean water. Don’t dry your hands, leave them wet for the next step.

Step Two
Green tea Salt Body Scrub
Apply a small amount of salt to your wet hands and repeat the procedure as above for the gel. Then rinse in clean water and dry your hands.

Step Three
 Hand Cream
Apply a pea-size spot of cream and massage into your hands. The cream will be absorbed leaving your with beautiful soft skin.

joi, 5 martie 2015

How to become member TianDe.... ?

Are you ready to change your life for the better? Then act!
TianDe International Corporation offers you two profitable cooperation programs: Business Partner and Smart Shopper. You decide what you want to do – gain advantageous terms of cooperation and build a successful career, or save money while shopping.

Business Partner Program

This program is intended for those who are determined to create their own successful business. It is for those who want to be independent, prosperous and universally recognized!

               JOIN HERE

When you join the Business Partner program, you get all of the terms and tools needed to create your own business. All you need to do is to aspire for growth and development, work to create profitable business relationships, and use all of the provided business instruments to their best effect.
TianDe Corporation gives its business partners an impressive range of advantages!
1. Reward system:
- bonus for Business Partner recruiting: RUB 1000 for every registration!
- PV bonus – 5-37%
- CV first-level bonus – 5-37%
- Five director-level bonus – 5% each!
- Star Marketing bonus – up to $100,000!
2. Bargain purchases
3. Participation in unique promotions and special corporate programs.
4. Career growth and sponsorship.
5. HR training.
6. Online office access with extra resources.

Smart Shopper Program

Developed specifically for consumers who care for themselves and their families and are interested in bargain purchases of high-quality products.
Every Smart Shopper will be offered a broad range of TianDe products (more than 500 items). The assortment of products for every possible life situation is constantly expanding. You will be able to make bargain purchases of all kinds of facial and body care products, hygienic products, makeup, enchanting perfumes, healthcare products, home products, innovative eco-friendly products, and much more.

                                              JOIN HERE

Unique formulas backed by hundreds of years of effective use, combined with advanced production technologies, allow all of the natural ingredients contained in TianDe products to remain as beneficial as possible. The high quality of our products has been confirmed by ISO 9001:2008 certificate.

Upon joining the Smart Shopper program, you will discover the convenient, profitable and high-quality TianDe Supermarket featuring excellent services!  Good looks, good health and a cozy home atmosphere will become even more accessible and affordable for you.  Get all of the products you need while saving lots of money!
The Smart Shopper program encompasses the holding of various events with generous gifts from our company.
Whichever program you choose, cooperation with TianDe is sure to be beneficial and profitable for you!
Winners’ Marketing 2020 – your path to success!